

iVision OCR Reader is an app that can detect text in images and easily convert it to text and then speech. Just take a picture and the app will recognize the text and speak it out. It will also translate the text into any language.

Directed towards those who are visually impaired. Just take a picture and the app can automatically recognize the words from an image. It will then speak the text so that the user can understand what is written.

It can also be used for those who have bad eyesight and cannot see words clearly. There is also a translation part implemented so that...

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This is a simplistic app with no settings except for the ability to choose a language that would let you translate the text into your language if the text captured isn't in your language. In other words, if you capture text that is not in your language, there is a drop-down, containing languages that you could tap on to have that text translated into your desired language. Wit "iVision," you swipe from left-to-right with two fingers and that activates the camera and then you tap on the screen to hear the text behind the camera read fro you.
