
ke7zum's picture


Aira offers an always-on service designed to help blind and low-vision users gain greater mobility and independence. By utilizing live video, audio and data streams, Aira provides personalized assistance from trained Aira Agents, family members, or friends. These agents, backed by state-of-the art technology, serve as visual interpreters, helping our users accomplish a wide range of daily tasks and activities.

Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.

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Other Comments: 

In using this app I can say it is 100 percent accessible. The only thing I noticed is that it will not go to the speaker when brought away from the face. Also for some reason my second time through my phone lagged. Luckily I had a speaker I plugged into the headphone jack. The service is wonderful and should you want to explore go to their website and give it a try. They need more android users probably. If you want to hear a demo of Aira (on the wrong platform though) go to and go to the archives then to January of this year. I used this service so far to learn the basics of, and to install the inc in my printer. I have not used it since, however I really feel I've gained a lot of confidence in usage of my devices. I can't wait to try this when I'm out.

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