BuzzFeed News


We make the news easy to follow. With the BuzzFeed News app, you’ll quickly catch up on what’s going on around the world.

We make the news easy to access. Whether it’s a tweet or a video, a BuzzFeed News exclusive or a compelling piece of

reporting from elsewhere, our editors
will make sure you don’t miss out on what people are talking about.

We make the news easy to understand. Our editors know that when something happens, the who, why, when, and how matter just

as much as the what. We’ll make
sure you’ve got context and background to major news...

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Other Comments: 

A good news app that is accessible except for the one button at the bottom right, which when tapped on, brings up choices of the types of news feed you can select from as well as to whether or not you would like a push notification enabled. Other than that, this app is totally acccessible.
