Results Of The December 2014 Favourite Accessible Podcatcher Poll

Over the month of December we ran a poll to find out what accessible android podcatchers people preferred and why.   And now here are the results:


Podcast Addict

 = 37.5% - The Winner by a landslide!


Comments From Voters:

Podcast Addict is the best accessible and usable podcatcher for Android.


Used to love DoggCatcher for a while but when it got too sluggish I turned to Podcast Addict as it combines simple and clear navigation with almost perfect accessibility. Special respect for easy access to a variety of international podcast directories. Also it is easy to subscribe to a YouTube channel or iTunes podcast by just entering a URL.


I worked with the developer of Podcast Addict to make it more Talkback friendly back in the day when it wasn't so much. he has always gotten back with me and been willing to mess around with his app and make things better until at the time of this writing there are no unlabeled buttons on this app at all that I am aware of, which doesn't mean there are none, but there has got to be darn few since I use Podcast Addict heavily. It may seem a bit silly but, when I first tried android, I had a couple of requirements. That I could use it for a phone, and that I could use it to listen to podcasts in as efficient a way as I did with my Symbian Nokia E72 and the podcast app I had on there. I kept on trying all the podcatchers I could find. I literally toiled away for like two days straight until I finally found this app. It had issues, but it was good enough. And I emailed the developer and it was just a couple of days the app was much better. I haven't looked back since. I'm totally serious, I had promised myself that I wouldn't keep my new android if I couldn't get a suitable podcatcher. None of the others at the time were suitable, including Dog catcher, which was being actively developed into being more accessible at that time. The app has all the features I need, and it makes them available in a pleasingly simple manner.  Have purchased the donate app which removes the adds. I am very pleased and I make it a point to try and promote this app when I get a chance to support the developer for his effort and his great work.



Pocket Casts

= 18.75%


Comments From Voters:

All the buttons are labeled and it's very accessible.



All in all, it has a very usable interface and some of the best voice compression for high-speed playback I've ever used.  Until the Lollipop upgrade, I would not have recommended it due to frequent crashing, but the L update seems to have solved this problem at least on my Nexus 4.



It is cross platform and can work on both iOS and Android.  Synchronize podcasts when adding/removing also can synchronize last position.


Dog Catcher

= 12.5%


Comments From Voters:

It's very accessible, has variable speed, and has plenty of feeds in its directory.




= 12.5%


Comments From Voters:


AntennaPod is free and open source, is accessible to screen reader users and has good keyboard support. Searches and syncs with Podcasts may be downloaded or streamed, and chapters are supported.



Antennapod is accessible with Talkback, supports chapter marks, adjustable playback speed and other features I want to see in a pod catcher. And it is free and open source.




Podcast Republic

= 6.25%


Comments From Voters:

Really liked pocketcast; however, it crashed all the time; podcast republic is much more stable





Comments From Voters:

Free and very accessible with talkback!



= 6.25%

Comments From Voters:

No Comments Provided By Voters


Got any comments, advice or suggestions of accessible podcatchers, feel free to leave them in the comments below.