

Please post issues at

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(Some outputs are enabled for the PRO VERSION only)

Route the media audio to (Built-In speaker, Wired Headphones, Wired Headset (with mic), Earpiece, Aux Digital(HDMI), Bluetooth(A2DP), Bluetooth(mono),
Bluetooth(mono)(dynamic), Dock(Analog), Dock(Digital)).

Route the phone call audio to (Built in Earpiece,...

Free Or Paid: 

Free With In App Purchases

Other Comments: 

App is totally Accessible and if you decide to choose a different TTS for your announcement, just remember that this would make the chosen one the default, but then you can go back to set your TTS back to what it was. Dong so does not affect the TTS you have chosen for the app. This is the app that I have found to work with Bluetooth issues with notifications not going to one's specifications. This app takes care fo that. Be sure to go into the Settings, and set things the way you want.
