Send Anywhere


Super-Simple way to send files
Send Anywhere is a multi-platform file sharing service where users can directly share digital content in real time.

Send Anywhere’s differentiating factors are:

No signup or login required; The process could not be simpler!
All you need is a 6-digit key to pair devices.

Free & Unlimited
Send any type of file, of any size, as many times as you want. There are no limits on how much you can send and it is totally free.

Securely send files directly between devices without relying on cloud....

Free Or Paid: 


Other Comments: 

Great App to send files or folders to nearby devices or across the ocean. The app is almost perfect without any unlabeled buttons, but for the sake of one or two, which really isn't anything. all you have to do is swipe with two fingers from right to left to switch between Pictures, Text, Apps, Audio, Videos, etc. The other button that doesn't speak, is the "select button" to the right edge of the device across each file of folder name. In other words, when you are in a listview, and you want to selct a particular folder or file to send, there is a "select" button, straight across from the file or folder that you are on, near the right edge of the phone or tablet. I'm contacting him to fix that, but you would have a confirmation as to what was selected and how big it is.

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