TalkBack Experience
Vote count: 3 Average: 4.33 Points: 13
Total votes per button
Button | Votes |
1. Talkback reads and can interract with none of the screen elements. | 0 |
2. Talkback reads and can interract with a few screen elements | 0 |
3. Talkback reads and can interract with some screen elements | 0 |
4. Talkback reads and can interract with most screen elements. | 0 |
5. Talkback reads and can interract with all app elements on all screens | 0 |
Labelled Buttons And Controls
Vote count: 2 Average: 4.5 Points: 9
Total votes per button
Button | Votes |
1. No buttons or controls are Labelled | 0 |
2. a Few buttons & Controls Are Clearly Labelled | 0 |
3. Some buttons & Controls Are Clearly Labelled | 0 |
4. Most buttons & Controls Are Clearly Labelled | 0 |
5. All Buttons & Controls Are Clearly Labelled | 0 |
High Contrast Black Background With Bright Text Available
Vote count: 1 Average: 4 Points: 4
Total votes per button
Button | Votes |
1. The app or game has no way to adjust it's look to high contrast black | 0 |
2. The app or game has no way to adjust it's look to high contrast black | 0 |
3. The App or game has a night mode or black theme available | 0 |
4. The App or game has a black theme by default | 0 |
5. The app or game allows you to set the color of all foreground and | 0 |
Font Sizes Are Sufficiently Large Or Adjustable To Be Large Enough To Read Comfortably
Vote count: 2 Average: 2.5 Points: 5
Total votes per button
Button | Votes |
1. Font Sizes Are Insufficient For Me To Read | 0 |
2. Font sizes are difficult for me to read | 0 |
3. Some Of The Font sizes are large but most are still difficult for me | 0 |
4. Font sizes are large but some are still difficult for me to see | 0 |
5. Font sizes are large and easy for me to see | 0 |
App Or Game Usable Without relying on Hearing
Vote count: 1 Average: 2 Points: 2
Total votes per button
Button | Votes |
1. No Audio Queues Are Available and the app is not usable without hearing | 0 |
2. No Audio Queues Are Available but aren't required to use the app or game | 0 |
3. Audio Queues and Captions are provided visually | 0 |
General Experience using this app or game with my accessibility tools and settings
Vote count: 2 Average: 4.5 Points: 9
Total votes per button
Button | Votes |
1. It is a very difficult app or game to use | 0 |
2. It is a somewhat difficult app or game to use | 0 |
3. It is a somewhat usable app or game but has some issues | 0 |
4. It is a fairly easy app or game to use | 0 |
5. It is an extremely easy app or game to use | 0 |
Keyboard Accessible
Vote count: 1 Average: 4 Points: 4
Total votes per button
Button | Votes |
1. Not Usable With A Physical Keyboard | 0 |
2. Most of the interface works With A Physical Keyboard | 0 |
3. Most of the app works With A Physical Keyboard | 0 |
4. All of the app works With A Physical Keyboard | 0 |
5. All of the app works With A Physical Keyboard and it has keyboard shortcuts for commonly used tasks | 0 |
ID3 tags on your android device
Did you ever feel like you wanted to edit ID3 tags on your phone? "No, not really," you say? Well, anyway... That's what this app does and it's not nearly as uncomfortable to use as you might think.
It has two options across the top: Songs sorts your music by individual track and is highly discouraged. Albm sorts your music by album and is a lot more convenient to use, especially if you are just trying to fix some track numbers or poach a cover off of the internet.
All the buttons have labels. The back button even has info about the previous screen attached to it which is very nice. The controls in the edit screen are obvious when flicking, but when using the next button, talkback will not announce the control names. So, there must be something missing there.
Of course, as I'm doing this all on my phone, the ID3 information takes up about three screens. On top of that, the first screen is almost entirely devoded to cover art features. Editing is a grouling process that would be greatly enhanced by an ability to arrange the fields so that the ones I use could be at the top.
There is a settings screen which is accessible, but it only contains language options and a link to the paid app. Grateful as I am to have the free version of this app to handle the odd pooched track number, I don't see what features the paid version could offer me that I would possibly use.
And there you have it. When your old laptop finally goes to the great electronics recycler in the sky, you'll still be able to play your old audio book cd rips or vial LP transfers in the correct order thanks to this extremely well written but tedious app. It may even find the right cover art for you if you have sight or just want to impress your sighted friends.