How Can I Fix A Problem With Saving Battery

kalakala's picture

Hi good people:
I've just started getting to learn to use the Android operating system on my phone. I activated the save battery option on my phone, and since then, I've been having problems with the phone not working normally. The vibrations have stopped working, and the home screen is not working as normal. Previously, I used to hear home screen 1 of 4: but now I here home screen 1 of 2. Added to this, the google applications are no longer available on the home screen. Apps such as google launcher Gmail the play store music are no longer available on the home screen. I can only access the store and music on the apps menu. Please how can I fix this problem. I learnt from a google search result, that Android automatically disables the saving battery option when the phone is charged. I've charged the phone, and the option has been disabled, but the home screen and others are still not working normally. I don't want to do a factory reset, because I had a very hard time finding someone to set up the phone for me in the first instance. Please how can I fix this problem. I hope you understand this problem. Looking forward to reading from you.
