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Results Of March 2015 - Poll On Where Talkback Development Should Be Focused

During the month of march, we ran a poll to find out the community’s feedback on where emphasis could be placed in terms of improving Talkback.  We asked if there was a specific feature the community wished Talkback would have, if there was a specific bug or issue that they felt should be given focus  and We asked where should Google's Talkback Developers focus their energy?


This was the shortest poll we have run to date and it received the largest number of responses of any poll we have run in the past. 

Inclusive Android's 2014 End Of Year - Must Have Apps

It's the end of the year and like so many other spots we are looking back at the last year.  What was hot, what was not and what are we using all the time in terms of Accessible or usable Android Apps?  We have polled some of our content contributors to see what apps they just can't live without and here are the results:  As a quick advisory, we received submissions that contained less than 5 or more than 5 apps.  So while this is published as a Top 5 List from our content contributors, it’s really simply a “Top Apps List” simply because people can’t count.&nb
